Indefinite and Definite nouns in the Arabic Language - Benefit # 2 of 3
Benefit # 2 of 3
Indefinite and Definite nouns in the Arabic Language
النَّكِرةُ (Indefinite) nouns Is a noun that refers to any person, place or thing and it is NOT a particular person, place or thing.
عَالِمٌ a scholar طَالِبٌ a student كِتابٌ a book
In the above examples this refers to any scholar, any student or any book and it is not specific/particular.
المَعْرِفَةُ (Definite) nouns
Is a noun that refers to a specific person, place or thing.
العَالِمُ the scholar الطَّالِبُ the student الْكِتابُ the book مُحَمَّدٌ muhammad - a particular name مِصْرُ Egypt - a particular country
Note: the above words which have (ال) means (the) and this is a definite article which makes the words specific/particular.
Al-Binaa Quran and Arabic Benefits